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I’m starting to enjoy writing these blog posts. I mean, I enjoy writing, I just haven’t been very good at it. I often struggle with trying to think of an idea to write about, but I’m five days in now and haven’t run out of ideas yet! I think I’m finding my flow now. I have already met so many interesting people as a result of #100DaysToOffLoad. The guys over at Fosstodon.org are awesome!

It’s nice to have this platform (edleeman.co.uk) to just talk about whatever I want, rather than trying to think of a topic that I can cover over on The Self-Hosting Blog.

I’m going to do a write-up of papercup.io this week, which looks really cool. It’s basically a self-hosted chatbot which you can also sync with other chat apps, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. So it has 2 way sync.

Proper cool stuff. I was also thinking, if I ever do run out of ideas on what to write about, I could put myself out there as a freelance technical guide writer? So I could offer my services for open-source projects which need someone to write an in-depth tutorial on how to host their services on-premise. I dunno, probably won’t take off, but worth a try right?!

I basically rewrite open source projects’ documentation anyway, I just like to think that I add in all the details that are really useful to people who are just starting out with self-hosting.

If anyone has an open source project which they want technical documentation written up, give me a shout on my email


I find that I have more than one thing to write about in a day, am I allowed to post two posts in one day? Is that allowed with #100DaysToOffLoad?

Until next time!

Published on March 21, 2021


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